Sunday, January 18, 2009


  • Unicellular & Colonial
  • Eukaryotic
  • Heterotrophic
Ciliates, Flagellates, Sporozoans, and Sacrodina.
DID YOU KNOW? That diseases are caused by many of these.


Use the cilia to get around, reproduce through Binary Fission and Conjugation. Feed mostly on bacteria. Below is a picture of a Paramecium dividing using fission.


Lives in the intestines of termites (ew). Termites are actually incapable of digesting the wood that it eats. That's where the Trychonympha comes in. It makes an enzyme that will digest cellulose in the wood particles. Without this flagellate the termite would not be able to survive.*Gasp!*

Causes sleeping sickness in humans. It also inhabits the blood of wild+domestic animals throughout Africa. It is transmitted from one animal to another by the tsetse fly.

Known for causing the human disease called malaria. It is most common in tropical countries. Carried from one host to another by mosquitoes. To this day, malaria continues to be a majorly common disease, affecting over 2 million people a year. 
Amoeba (shape-shifting!)
Most known for their "false feet" pseudopods (used to engulf or latch onto prey) which are used for locomotion and feeding. They are simply lobe-like bulges that extend from the cell membrane.  They multiply by cell division.

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