Sunday, January 18, 2009

Protists for Dummies

Welcome to my biology blog!
This blog is intended for my biology 11 project, so that I may learn and discover more about Protists. If you wish to journey with me in the kingdom of protists, then read on my fellow wonderer!
>> DICTIONARY.COM - how awesome thou art.
Pro-tist (prō'tĭst):
Any of a group of eukaryotic organisms belonging to the kingdom Protista according to some widely used modern taxonomic systems. The protists include a variety of unicellular,  colonial, and multicellular organisms, such as the protozoans, slime molds, brown algae, and red algae.

The sites that i used:
this site was just great, it gave me an awesome idea of how to sort my ideas and whatnot!
This site had some good interesting facts about animal-like, fungus-like and plant like protista. I didn't use it too much, but was a definite help.
Had some awesome pics that i used, and was a great help when it came to Algae and Diatoms! Kudos.

This is an extremelyyyy long site. But nonetheless, it was an amazing help, when i got stuck on algae! Plus it had some cool facts about them too.
Yet another great help when it came to gathering up more and more info, and finding suitable pics.
Sweet site, helped with animal-like protists.

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